Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Next Stories

  • VX 2 (2024) - VX Super Force returns to face old and new enemies as leader gains a dark side.
  • VX 3 (2024) - VX Super Force separate different members to face evil in their world and another universe in danger.
  • VX Z (2024) - Battle for existence involves the hero team and their contacts against their greatest, and most powerful foes.
  • Broken Force (2025) - Lupine humans face genocidal enemies after one lupine man commits murder to lead to a great battle for survival.
  • City of Tijo (2025) - Two kid brothers are trapped in a dangerous super city controlled by a powerful cat human leader.
  • Paku Horn (2025) - A small horn robot and his maker explore a big city, and face different friends and foes.
  • Jarvassi (2026) - A red dragon hero reunites with his human friend as they take on a dragon killing villain, and plan to save humans and dragons together.