Thursday, November 25, 2021

Ranger Rad/The Star Gem

Ranger Rad

Genre - Sci-Fi, Adventure

Plot - A skilled space ranger hero teams with a super vigilante to defeat two crime teams who threaten their galaxy. While working together to save Rad's friends and beat the crime lords, Rad must save a young slave girl in trouble with one of the enemies and lethal opponents.

The Star Gem

Genre - Musical, Fantasy

Plot - A friendly musical lady author and her friend seek to return the graceful Star Gem to its host Santa Clause to save him from death before Christmas Day. The mystic gem is in danger of being misused by a dark industrialist who the author and her friends are against in a big adventure. Love, trust, and empathy are the major keys to this story.

© Taylor Vassell/Fenrir Art, 2021

Monday, November 8, 2021